小猪 Piggy

小猪 Piggy

主演:保罗·安德森 Paul Anderson(I) Neil Maskell

导演:Neil Maskell






London, modern day: Joe, a mild mannered young man is bored by his life. When his beloved brother is murdered Joe finds solace in Piggy, one of his brother"s old friends. Piggy helps Joe to cope with grief, intent on saving him and helping him get justice for his brother"s killing. As their friendship grows Joe finds himself in an increasing dangerous and murky world of to cope with grief, intent on saving him and helping him get justving him and helping him get justice for his brother"s killing. As their friendship grows Joe finds himself in an increasing dangerous and murky world of to cope with grief, intent on saving him and helping him get justice for his brother"s killing. As their friendship grows Joe finds himself in an increasing dangerous and murky world of violence and revenge. As Joe life collapses around him he starts to question who Piggy really is, and how honest he"s really been with him. When Joe confronts Piggy a series of events are put in place that lead to a disastrous climax

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